I'm going to start with "LIKE&DISLIKE" :-)
everyday, or when I have time, I'll write one or more things I like and one or more things I don't like!
so let's start.
I really like, or should I say LOVE, my new jump in dress.
really worth the money :-)
when you wake up in the morning, and you freeze, you just take your jump in on, and the problem is resolved!
and in the evening you can lie and smirk in front of the tv, and it's soooo nice :-D
I'll give sickness a big DISLIKE!
in three days now, I have been sick, and it's not funny :-(
I'm already after in school, and I hate it..  but it's nothing to do about it, so go to the chill mode and live the life.
no school tomorrow either.
and tomorrow I'll go to Gothenborg, on Friday I'm available from school.
It's training and on Sunday the competition is, and I'm really tagged to race :-)
hope the engine will work this time..
go to dad now, write later.


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